BABE Run 2011
The third annual B.A.B.E. Run (Bring a
Buddy Event) was held on July 10 at the home of Ken And Chris Findlay in
South Surrey. With over 80 people attending, it was the biggest
BABE Run yet. Twenty-Four cars (1907 - 1927) toured South Surrey
on an 85 km run that Ken had planned out. It was a beautiful day
and a great drive.
Following the run Ken and Chris put on a barbecue in their (huge) back
yard. Ken cooked Canuck Burgers and Steve Hammatt cooked 'markin
Burgers and everyone had lots to eat. It was great to make some
new friends and visit with folks who don't normally make it out to our
Chapter events. It was also special to have four or five cars from
the Skagit-Snohomish HCCA group (USA).
Thanks to Ken and Chris for putting together a great day. The BABE
Run is becoming the event of the summer for those of us with brass era
cars. Wait till next year!
photos submitted by Ben Chow and Peter Findlay