Antique Chapter June Tour
June 7 - 10, 2001 Tour
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A total of 42 cars and 110 people turned out to this very successful event. In addition to the local cars, there were cars from Washington, Oregon, and Alberta.
1899 Locomobile
1907 Cadillac
1906 Stevens-Duryea
1912 Case
1910 Model T Ford
1913 Rambler
1913 Kissel Kar
1910 McLaughlin
1912 Reo
1915 Hupmobile
1910 Johnson
1914 Cadillac
1911 Cadillac
1910 Reo
1913 Michigan
1911 Cadillac
1912 Model T Ford
1913 Cadillac
Overview at Ron Smith's
Ron Smith's
Reeves steam tractor
Overview at Ron Smith's
1910 Buick
Photos courtesy of Ron Morris
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